Video installation (two-channel with audio)

with the costumes and scenographic elements used in the video

Variable dimensions / Loop 31’08”

Commissioned by the Prinzhorn Collection, Dias & Riedweg departed from the historical collection of the Heidelberger Museum to spend a year working with a group of patients from the Institute of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. They held a series of workshops in the clinic's old theater, which is called Qorpo Santo, in honor of the Brazilian playwright who spent much of his life in a psychiatric hospital.

In a “theatre dressing room” that occupied the entire space, these patient-participants changed their clothes, from their sad and impersonal hospice hospital uniforms to burlesque costumes, inspired by the works of the Prinzhorn Collection and performed with carnival artists from samba schools Cariocas, to then freely improvise texts and songs in scenes of their own internal worlds.

The act of dressing up in “whimsical” costumes somehow infused their bodies with new vital energy and resulted in much therapeutical evolution for the patients. As in several works by Dias & Riedweg, the installation's form repeats the film set, featuring the costumes and a huge dressing table, in which the mirror was replaced by the projection screen of one of the videos.

 Installation views at Prinzhorn Collection, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012; Museum of Art of Lucerne, Switzerland, 2014

"It's a joy to be hidden, but a disaster not to be found...". This striking Winnicott phrase shows, in a nutshell, the complexity of psychic operations related to being or not within the perceptual reach of the other. Although we are used to confirming the relatively stable separation between our internal world and external reality, it is in an indeterminate, fluid, potential and “neither internal nor external” space that we live our most important experiences. Working with subjects in a serious state of psychological distress brings us this problem in an acute way. Such subjects put us before impasses to be found and do not experience any pleasure in being hidden. It takes a non-invasive insistence on the part of the other for an encounter to take place. It was exactly this type of encounter that Dias & Riedweg's works in the context of mental health provided.

DR. Julio Sergio Verztman, psychiatrist, postgraduate professor of psychoanalytic theory at UFRJ




Holy Body 

Starting from an original sculpture and paintings from the Prinzhorn Collection, from the Institute of Psychiatry of Heidelberg, Germany, Mauricio Dias & Walter Riedweg conducted a series of workshops with a group of patients from the Institute of Psychiatry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro during the year of 2012. The artistic immersion, based on theatrical exercises and improvisations, culminated in the video installation entitled "Corpo Santo", first presented at the Museum of the Prinzhorn Collection, in Heidelberg, later at the Kunstmuseum Luzern and currently integrated in the collection of the National Museum of Art Contemporary Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain.


Adilson Santos de Almeida

Ana Cláudia Amaral dos Santos

Ana Cristina Ferreira da Costa

Ana Paula de Oliveira

Antônio Carlos Dias

Aristóteles Casas de Oliveira

Benedita Vicente

Carlos Alberto Pereira Batista

Carlos Henrique Coelho França

Carolina Batista Cesário

Claudio de Carvalho Claudino

Cristiano Antonio da Silva

Dalila Meira de Azevedo Marques

Demetrius Lucas Peixoto Andrade

Diogo dos Santos Luz

Edmyr Jesus do Nascimento

Fábio Rodrigues da Silva

Fernanda Gomes de Siqueira

Gerson Mandarino Nunes Marques

Gessy Faria da Silva

João Batista de Souza

José Newton Santos Queiroz

Luiz Fernando da Silva de Souza

Marcelo Henrique Paranhos de Lima

Marcio Henrique de Oliveira

Marco Antonio Pinheiro Moreira

Marconi Pereira da Silva

Marcus Paulo de Paula de Amorim

Maria Cecília Vieira

Maria Raimunda de Jesus

Maria Ribamar

Mauricio Gloria Martins da Silva

Patrícia de Oliveira da Silva

Paulo Humberto Veiga Junior

Pedro Paulo Salouto da Silva

Priscila Mayara Guimarães da Silva

Priscilla Sobral Pinto

Rafael Dias dos Santos

Rafael Melo Soares Ferreira

Regina Celia Benjamin de Souza

Renato Batista de Carvalho

Rodrigo Pereira de Souza

Rosemery P. C. de Almeida

Samuel de Oliveira Souza

Sandro Gomes Rocha

Severino Estevão da Silva

Sintia Alves

Vilma Maria Thiago

Vinicius Nogueira de A. Martiniano

Viviane dos Anjos Marcelino

Wagner Almada Queiroz


Commissioned by

Sammlung Prinzhorn

Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg

in collaboration with

IPUB - Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Workshops held at Teatro Qorpo Santo Theater, IPUB - UFRJ

Concept, realisation and editing

Dias & Riedweg

General Assistent

Juliana Franklin

Assistent Edition

Jorge Soledar


Bruno Pires, Leandra Lambert, Cleiton Henrique dos Santos

Costume Design

Bruno Villaça and Karin Wyler 

Medical Supervision IPUB - UFRJ

Dr. Prof. Julio Verztman

Assistents Psychologie

Constança Pondé e Natália Pfeil

Director Prinzhorn Collection

Dr. Prof. Thomas Roeske


Nothing Absolutely Nothing


The Home of The Others