Video installation (four-channels with audio)
Variable dimensions / Diverse Loops
In Zoom conferences and physical meetings in the Johan Jakob Museum, which were overlapped with the covid lockdown in 2020, a group of seven teenagers, who have been students of Walter Riedweg in Zurich, began to develop videos, maps, poems, songs and stories under the subject of Life Lines. These poetic formats offer space for memories and fictions alike. They are about childhood, handwriting, handreading, winding escape routes from Syria, Afghanistan or the Ukraine and the revolt of characters in mangas, all together to make visible their arduous attempt to gain a foothold in the Swiss “educational landscape”. Above all, however, they are about the desire to shape one's own happiness in life.
The workshops and their visual results in the form of video installation integrated the exhibition Life Lines, which was itself developed in a changeable, growing, structure in the museum space during the period of a year marked by the covid pandemic. These videos are presented bellow.