other time than here. other place than now
Curated by Anna Cestelli Guidi
Fotos © Marco Passaro / Video Documentation © Juan Ferrari
other time than here
other place than now
Two parallel exhibitions at MACRO Testaccio and at AuditoriumArte at Auditorium Parco della Musica present the largest survey of the artists in Italy.
Whilst the series of video-objects “Suitcases for Marcel” (2007) and the video installation “Moving Truck” (2009-2012) directly underlines the exhibition’s central idea of immigration being above all, a re-location of meaning, other works such as the video “Throw” (2004), the video installation Hot Coals” (2014), as well the objects “Under Pressure” (2014), the wall-paper Bloc (2014) and the video installation “Flesh” (2005), insert a sharp and ironic criticism on current global politics. These selected artworks embrace the new video installation “La Casa degli Altri”, done in Rome during the months prior to the exhibitions. Disposed together, these pieces suggest the idea of one unfinished and un-finishing world, and thereby, investigate how individual subjectivities constantly change and give form to society and vice-versa.
Dias & Riedweg
Anna Cestelli Guidi
Production and Set up
Sauro Radicchi
Renato Criscuolo
Project Assistant
Marco Passaro
Technical Assistance: Juan Ferrari
Supported by
Pro Helvetia Swiss Council for the Arts
Instituto Svizzero di Roma
In collaboration with
Baobab Refugee Camp
Opera Viva
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Fondazione Musica per Roma
MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art Rome