collaboration with “Samba à la Maison”


Video installation (eight-channel audio-video-installation)

Variable dimensions / Loop 35 min

In collaboration with the group “Samba à la Maison” (Collective of Brazilian musiciens based in Paris), this project is inspired by “Roda de samba”, a tradition of African origin that developed in Rio de Janeiro and became popular as a musical genre in its own right, for which encounters and sharing are essential to musical creation. The wheel and the circle   -- a roda -- are both metaphor and methodology, symbolizing the dissemination of energy and the sharing inherent in creation; they embody the  theme and technical aspect of visual execution. Indeed, the images are captured using a “cameracycle”: a device invented by the artists. The forms assert themselves and disintegrate into a visual translation of the melody. The installation MEU LUGAR NA RODA invites the public to join in the samba groove, to dance, to immerse themselves in the heart of the rythm.


Samba à la Maison:

Acauan Souza
Edson Dantas
Erivelton Silva
Jean Brogat-Motte
Kayode Encarnação
Menandro Fernandes
Nelson Felix
Pedro Barrios
Roberto Moreno

My place

the path of Ogum and Iansã

There's samba until morning

A gROOVE every moment

My turn

surrounded by struggle

and sweat

Hope for a better world

And beer to celebrate

Pre-Production - Mauricio Dias //  Conception & Production Camera-Cycle - Mauricio Dias & Heiner Koolhaas // Operation of Camera-Cycle - Mauricio Dias // Other Cameras : Rodrigo Braga, Saullo Vasconcellos, Victor Magrath, Sergio Verastegui, Isadora Soares, Evandro // Pre-project of editing - Juan Ferrari // Editing - Walter Riedweg & Juan Ferrari // Post-prodution & sincronization - Daniel Morena (Samambaia) // Audio Mastering - Dan Zimmermann // First set up - Stéphane Adré & Valéry Fino

Concept & Realization - Dias & Riedweg © 2025


The Reverse of Heaven